Where the Elite meet to greet and tweet!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I asked my husband last night if he had read my blog yet. He is insisting on feigning confusion about the whole blog thing. He's asking questions like... "What are you writing about?", "Why ARE you blogging?, "Is anyone reading it?", "Who knows about it?" What all of this is about is that he is afraid... very, very afraid. Afraid of what I'm going to write about one subject... him.

Anyway, I expected this and I'm really fine with it. We've been married long enough and I'm secure enough to accept that we don't always have the same interests. I admit, I barely showed any interest at all in his recently acquired Ipod (until the credit card bill came anyway).

He is occaisionally every bit as funny as I am though. Last night we're having the whole discussion about if and when he's going to check the blog out when he says:

"It just sounds like stuff you'd say to yourself. Why don't you just call and leave yourself a voicemail?"

We may be further apart on this than I thought.

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