Yellow Dog In A Red State

Where the Elite meet to greet and tweet!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

17 already ???

Oh no, my child is turning 17! Is this a milestone? And if so, for who (or is that whom)? Him or me? I think I'm more sad about him turning 17 than I was to turn 40. : (

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pennsylvania Pam (and her guns and such)

Okay, folks, let's see if I've done this correctly

New changes to the blog...

Ok, I've made a lot of changes to the blog. Kristi, I hope you like the new layout, colors, fonts, and look of the blog. If not, let me know and I'll change it all to your specs.

As you can see, I've added a great deal of functionality and widgets to the blog to personalize it for our use. Including:
  • a poll (added a sample poll to check out)
  • news- and blog feeds (I can add or detract any newsfeeds you all wish to see and follow on the site)
  • Fave video feed (it's YouTube right now, but I can change it to other feeds and/or sites - just let me know and it'll be done)
  • A Links section - I can literally add any links you want easy access to from the site - I've got some sample links up already
  • NOTE: all newsfeeds should update automatically with the software on Blogger, but I'll keep an eye on's supposed to be a part of the newsfeed functionality...
I can add some more things if you wish...up to a point, but for now, I believe we're on the right track here. This site is for all of make suggestions and I'll implement as soon as I can.

I'm not sure if this site is strictly for usage by the "Elite", but certainly I would imagine that Kristi would think it's alright to invite others to join this blog. That's a decision we should probably make together as a consensus.

If anyone has any questions about how something works, just let me know. I am now an admin on Kristi's site. Both she and I have that access. But I will be signing up a personal user account. I urge you all to do the same.

Okay...that's it for now. Ciao!

Kristi & Daniel

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Bikini Wax?

From August until the first week in November and then again from February through April is soccer season at my house. Between the two kids, we have three practices and two games a week. On Thursday nights, both my kids practice at separate locations with their start and stop times offset by a mere 15 minutes. This is affectionately known as "double soccer" night. However, on Monday's it is just my son who practices, so for an hour my daughter and I have some girl time. This usually consists of a trip through the dry cleaner's drive-thru and a stop at Kohl's department store where my daughter will model every piece of jewelry they have in stock. While in Kohl's we always make a trip to the bathroom. Its a nice bathroom with about 10 stalls and it even has soap in the dispensers and paper towels available. In short, its the kind of public restroom I'm "ok" with.

However, this past Monday night we varied from our usual girl routine to buy groceries. My husband and I (and therefore the kids) had spent the weekend volunteering at our Church's annual Pumpkin Patch. It was loads of fun, but it didn't leave any time for the weekly trip to Kroger. By the time we arrived at Kroger I only had 45 minutes until my son's practice was over, so we blew through Kroger like we were on our way to a fire. I'm just pulling my stylish and much coveted minivan out onto the road when my daughter says, "I have to go to the bathroom." I look at the clock - 7:22. I have 8 minutes and a 5 minute drive. I know from experience not to question or try to talk her out of this. If she says it, she means it and I ignore it at my own peril. So I say, "OK, I'm going to pull into 7-11 and we have EXACTLY two minutes to get in and out so we are not late. Can you go quickly?" The fact that I'm willing to utilize the bathroom in 7-11 should communicate to you that I really was under some time pressure. She says, "yes" and I pull in. We get out and both enter the bathroom that does not have stalls OR soap OR papertowels. We're talking a square room with a toilet in the corner, a sink on the wall and a drain in the floor. Now, I'm socially aware and understand that probably two-thirds of the world's population don't even have this to work with. Its just that everything is so relative and this bathroom creeps me out. She goes quickly as promised and the minute she flushes, I realize I'm going to have to go ahead and go too. As much as I would like to wait until we get home, I can't. So I proceed to also go very quickly and am just zipping my pants when it happens................

Her (watching me): "Will I have hair on my privates when I'm a teenager?"

Me (because I'm in a hurry, choosing to ignore the fact that she's not using the proper name for her 'privates' that I've taught her): "Yes."

Her (wrinkling up her nose as if she's just seen something like a squashed bug): "I guess that's why most bathrooms have stalls."


Me: "I guess so."

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Mysteries of Life

Since reentering the workforce 4 years ago, I've really struggled in the area of stress reduction. For me stress is related to my perfectionist side. Looking back, the whole reason I gave up my career at Hewlett Packard after my son was born was because of my unresloved issues with perfectionism. After spending 3 months on maternity leave, an offensive thought dawned on me as I dressed in my work clothes for the first time since becoming a mother. Like a brick falling on my head from the sky, I realized I might have to make some (gasp!) compromises in the way that I would like my child taken care of and how my job duties would be performed. I realize how ridiculous it was for this to occur to me so late into the process, but there it was. And it was unacceptable - I must choose one and do it as perfectly as possible and make no compromises. Since you can't (and wouldn't) put the baby genie back in the bottle, my choice was made before I even left the house that morning. After two days at day care and an impassioned plea to my sister-in-law, my son spent the next 10 months with his aunt each day while I figured out how to transition our finances into a one income household and myself into a stay-at-home mom. What happened in the intervening 5 years is an entire series of blogs.

Fast forward from 1998 to 2003 - my son is in Kindergarten and my daughter is in 2/3 day church care, and I finally reenter the work force. And the stress demons are back. Making great strides with my perfectionism in the last 5 years (two children will do that to you), I attacked the stress demons head on. I read books on stress reduction, I tried nightly bubble baths with candles, I tried herbal supplements... you know the drill. Finally what helped the most, was getting up an hour earlier each day to read and pray. Some people would call it meditation, but my mind jumps from one thing to the next so quickly that there is no way you could call what I do meditation. I really rediscovered my faith during these early morning sessions. Today, 4 years later, I never miss a weekday morning doing something that helps rejuvinate my spirit. I cannot tell you how much this has helped me in parenting, in my marriage and at work.

However, one of the biggest mysteries in my life is why my faith, love, patience and all the other fruits of the spirit for that matter (including self-control) evaporate at the same time each morning. I mean, the exact moment my minivan hits the carpool line, I loose any semblance of the ususally balanced person I am. I want all you mothers to know that if you see yourself in the paragraphs below, I love and support you and pray for you and cheer for you the MINUTE you're out of the carpool line... but if you do any of these things... please for the love of Pete and everything that is right in the world, STOP.

There is NO circumstance that justifies honking and/or passing in the carpool line... carpool is NOT a normal roadway, in case you do not know this. It is driven by 99.9% women in SUV's or Minivan's with young children in their cars. This in and of itself, is very frightening. Add to this that said women are under some time pressure, haven't had their 2nd cup of coffee, and someone in their car has surely left something at home and what you've got is a very volatile situation. Forget going postal.... I'm ready to go carpool... I swear, if the same chick who passed me this morning had also been the one who honked at me, it would have, let's just say, "been addressed".

The school sends out the "Carpool Flow" map for a reason. If you're not good with maps, ask your husband or a friend who is. Its really very simple - follow the arrows. DO NOT go against the flow. This is not the time to push the envelope and be a trailblazing maverick. If the map says enter from the south and turn right - DO NOT enter from the north and try to turn left. By doing this, you're making me into someone my children should not be around.

And while we're on the subject... Hummers and carpool lines are really not compatible. Seriously, is it necessary to take your kids to school in a tank??? Environmental concerns aside, I have yet to see a child exit a Hummer in carpool without careening out if it and spilling him or herself and the entire contents of their backpacks out onto the sidewalk. If there is a school project involved, we the need to freaking National Guard to clean up the mess and get traffic moving again. I can tell you from experience that this does nothing to faciliate a smooth carpool flow or my heart health.

And another thing, carpool is NOT a valet service. A valet service is where you leisurely drive your car up to the attendant and he opens the door for you and gently helps you out. Carpool is nothing like this, so stop acting like it is. I don't see you tipping the poor teacher that has been stuck with the horrendous job of carpool duty. The goal of carpool is to unload as many children as quickly as safety will allow. This means if you stop anywhere close to the front of the line, your little prince or princess needs to get out of the car and WALK the rest of the way into the school.

I assure you Ms. Passer and Ms. Honker, these tips will help eliminate your obvious early morning stress. And mine.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I asked my husband last night if he had read my blog yet. He is insisting on feigning confusion about the whole blog thing. He's asking questions like... "What are you writing about?", "Why ARE you blogging?, "Is anyone reading it?", "Who knows about it?" What all of this is about is that he is afraid... very, very afraid. Afraid of what I'm going to write about one subject... him.

Anyway, I expected this and I'm really fine with it. We've been married long enough and I'm secure enough to accept that we don't always have the same interests. I admit, I barely showed any interest at all in his recently acquired Ipod (until the credit card bill came anyway).

He is occaisionally every bit as funny as I am though. Last night we're having the whole discussion about if and when he's going to check the blog out when he says:

"It just sounds like stuff you'd say to yourself. Why don't you just call and leave yourself a voicemail?"

We may be further apart on this than I thought.

Another Day

Yesterday was another day for ridiculous questions... one from each of my children. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE the fact that my children feel like they can talk to me. Having my children feel this way is very near the top of my "Things I Want to do Differently from my Mother" list. However, as with most things in life, any thing worthwhile is often a challenge. So yesterday I was challenged once in the morning while waiting in the carpool line and once last night at bathtime.

Act I - Carpool

My Daughter: "Mom, is celebrating Halloween worshiping the devil?"
Me (adjusting the rear view mirror so I can make eye contact while trying to not drive up onto the curb because I'm suddenly really irritated): "WHO told you THAT?"

(I need to know this information way more than I need to answer the question. This mother is someone I want to avoid at all costs. I never EVER want to find my two martini self at a dinner party with her. It will not go well.")

Her: "Kevin"
Me (dreading the answer to this): "Is he in your class?"

Her (to my dismay): "Yes"

(CRAP! Now I have to see this mother at class parties and open houses. Just super. Ok, now to answer the question without disclosing the age inappropriate information, that I do not believe in a personified devil, so I don't see how it could be possible that celebrating Halloween could be worshiping something that does not exist.)

Me: "Well, what do you think?"
Her: "Welllll, I don't know."

(To my Son's credit, he is doing his best eye roll in the seat beside her. Thank you God, that he already gets this.)

Me: "Well, do you have fun on Halloween spending time with your family and your friends?"
Her: "Yes"

Me: "Do we do anything bad on Halloween? Do we hurt people's feelings or say bad things or do any of the things you know God doesn't want us to do?"
Her: "No"

Me: "Do you think God likes for us to have fun and enjoy ourselves?"
Her: "Yes"

Me: "Well, then I don't see anyway possible that celebrating Halloween could be worshiping the devil."
Her: "Good. I like Halloween."

Me: "Me too. Let's REALLY decorate our yard a lot this year so ALL your friends from school can see it!!!!!"

Act II - Bathtime

So last night we had TWO 6PM soccer games at fields on the opposite ends of town. Not a doubt in my mind that Kevin's mom somehow has control of my children's soccer schedule. I mean, for the love of Pete, how is a working mom with a 45 minute commute supposed to get two kids anywhere by 5:45 PM? Much less, dressed in soccer uniforms complete with the ridiculously difficult shin guards and cleats. Oh, and don't forget they each also need their soccer balls and water bottles. The only thing that could have made it any better would have been if it had been my night for snacks. Anyway, we all survive this drama... each of them get where they need to be on time, thank you very much to my son's friend's mother who got my son to his game, my boss for saying "ok" to me leaving at 4:15, and my husband who also left work early. We get home, get some food and get the kids in the bath. My daughter - downstairs in my bathroom so she can use the jetted tub and bath pillow I've yet to use - My son upstairs in the bathroom that connects his and his sister's bedrooms. Then this:

Me (walking into where my son is taking his bath to make sure he is washing his hair and not just playing with the 12 action figures that are lined up for battle all around the tub): "You need to stop playing and wash your hair. If you need help getting all the shampoo out, just let me know."

Him: "Mom, is it true that if you only have one ball in your ball sack that you can't get married?"

(Father in Heaven, please let me get through this with a straight face.)

Me: "WHO told you THAT?"

Him: "Michael"

Me: "Why????"

Him: "Because he thinks its true."

(Ok, at this point I'm going to let this line of questioning go. I really do not want or need to know if Michael or someone in his family has experience with a uniball. It does not help my straight face that my mind keeps picturing Michael's dad, who looks a little like Lyle Lovett, naked with only one ball.)

Me: "No, its not true."

Him: "How do you know?"

Me: "I'm married and I don't have any balls OR a ball sack."

(Ok, I know this was a stupid thing to say, but honestly, what you have done in my shoes?)

Him: "That's different. You're a girl."

Me: "Ok, that's fair. I do not BELIEVE there is any reason that a boy only having one ball couldn't get married."

Him: "Can you confirm that with Dad?"

Me: "Ok."

I cruise downstairs and pose this question to my husband, who is blissfully car shopping on the internet. He won't read my blog but can spend hours looking at the same 3 cars. Well, he couldn't confirm or deny for laughing his butt off, so I took that as confirmation, climbed back up the stairs and found my son getting dressed for bed. I say, "Dad agrees with me. Besides, you have two balls, aren't getting married anytime soon and don't need to worry about this anymore tonight. I love you. Good night."